Design & Build UTX Solutions
Working alongside our clients, Vital Consultancy can provide complete end-to-end design and build solutions for undertrack crossings across the Network Rail infrastructure using the following techniques.
Micro Tunnelling
Microtunneling is a trenchless construction method in which a borehole is excavated and pipes laid simultaneously using remote guidance, pipe jacking, and continuous support. The microtunneling boring machine (MTBM) is operated from a control panel, normally located on the surface. Personnel entry is not required for routine operations.
Due to its cost, microtunneling is usually reserved for pipes that need a high degree of precision over a long distance. Water jetting is used for the cutting head during the boring stage, or an asymmetrical or slanted head and is directed using laser guidance. Only pipes with a circular cross-section can be used because of the boring process.
Directional Drilling
Directional boring, also referred to as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), is a minimal impact trenchless method of installing underground utilities such as pipe, conduit, or cables in a relatively shallow arc or radius along a prescribed underground path using a surface-launched drilling rig.
Directional boring offers significant environmental advantages over traditional cut and cover pipeline/utility installations. The technique is routinely used when conventional trenching or excavating is not practical or when minimal surface disturbance is required.
Auger-bore Installations
Auger boring is defined as a trenchless application in which a casing pipe is jacked into the earth’s surface while simultaneously rotating helical augers remove the excavated spoil.
Auger boring is suitable for scopes of work that involve trenchless operations, including the installation of water and sewer pipes, ducts, and gas mains. It is the preferred method for pipeline installations that span highways since the required horizontal boring is done quickly and with minimal disruptions to traffic and other services.
Open-cut Excavations
Open cut, as the name implies, is a method of pipeline installation that requires opening up the surface of the ground to the required depth for installing a pipeline. It is a traditional method that is still popular and is used widely for installation of sewer laterals and also for repair or replacement of main and lateral sewer lines.
In open cut method of pipeline installation, a trench has to be excavated for installing each piece of pipe. This method can be used for installation as well as rehabilitation of pipeline and requires digging up the ground surface to the required depth in case of installation or digging up to pipeline depth in case of rehabilitation to expose the pipe.
Once the work is complete, the dugout area is backfilled and the surface restored to the original condition as far as possible.